A Poem About Imam Mahdi
Oh how I wish for enough air to outlive these days
To be able to see his face appear at mecca's grace
Oh how i wish to be one of those great men
Who will be there that day, fighting with sword and pen
Hope is gone from me, for pure I am not
Deserve to see that beauties face I do not
Though Allah knows that ready I'll be, you'll see
Countless my sins are, yet from the battlefield i will not flee
313 they are counted for they say and tell
314 i wish to be, my soul to the Shaytan i will not sell
By the owner of Time i will stand, either close or far
He would do the same for Allah, travel to any pointed star
He is what time has grown old to see
You are promised the highest sky, what becomes of us and me
Without you free from worries we are
By Allah, that feeling is counterfeit, imprisoned we are
Wherever you are now at this state
Tell Allah we are sorry, that while you wait, we are late
Stuck to the sugar of this worlds honey we are
Tell Allah we are sorry, for what we have become to be
Farewell oh friend of Allah, for we die and you live on
May Allah keep you from grief, that we on this earth sewed upon
Inshallah we will meet one day, here or there
May Allah forgive us, for not being sincere